» Zonke Izikhangiso » Phakathi » Alexander Taryrakhmanovich Miniakhmetov

Alexander Taryrakhmanovich Miniakhmetov


U-Alexander Taryrakhmanovich Miniakhmetov uhlanganyela ekusebenziseni ama-tattoos obuciko. Uma unquma ukuhlobisa umzimba wakho nge-tattoo, khona-ke into yokuqala enquma ukuphumelela kwayo yonke inqubo ukukhethwa kochwepheshe. Kukhona amasu amaningi ahlukene emakethe yezinsizakalo zanamuhla, futhi inkosi ngayinye, njengomthetho, igxile eyakhe. Ngokubonisana no-Alexander Taryrakhmanovich, ungakwazi ngokuhlanganyela ukuphothula umdwebo oyifunayo futhi uvumelane ngamaphuzu athile omsebenzi ozayo. Inkosi yenza ukugqagqana kwemisebenzi ye-tattoo yekhwalithi ephansi, ukuthuthukiswa kwemidwebo ye-tattoo. U-Alexander uzozama ukukwenza ube ikhasimende lakhe elivamile.

Uchwepheshe uya ezifundeni zaseChkalovsky, Leninsky, Verkh-Isetsky.

ukumboza i-tattoo endala nentsha, ukuthuthukisa umdwebo we-tattoo


I-NOU "Academy of Beauty and Health", inkosi ye-tattoo yobuciko (Ekaterinburg, 2013).

Isipiliyoni nempumelelo
Umkhuba ojwayelekile

Okuhlangenwe nakho kwangasese - kusukela ngo-2010.

Isipiliyoni somsebenzi - kusukela ngo-2010.

Geological, Ploshchad 1905 Goda, Botanicheskaya, Chkalovskaya
Veza konke


Hlikihla 50 - 500
Izitifiketi namadokhumenti

Isithombe somsebenzi wesazi sobuhle u-Alexander Taryrakhmanovich Miniakhmetov

Izibuyekezo mayelana nobuhle uchwepheshe Alexander Taryrakhmanovich Miniakhmetov